Pricing List:

Studio Time Per Hour (no engineer) - 35$

Engineer Fee Per Hour - 15$

Mixing - 100 - 200$ per song (credit - mixed by Scott Barber) Mixes come with 3 drafts of notes/fixes

Production - Standard Fees for studio time and engineering, plus additional charges or points on music (credit - Produced by/with Scott Barber)

*Additional hourly engineer fees for audio stems, extra fixes/versions/bounces

Studio Rules:

Minimum studio booking two hours.

Clients must request engineer services in advance of booking.

Clients must give 24 notice of cancellation otherwise a cancellation fee from half price up to 100$ will be charged.

No smoking, food and drinking in the studio, please use outside deck.

Clients must provide their own food, snacks and drinks.

Clients must be respectful of neighbors, parking and treating the space and equipment properly.

Renters will be responsible for any damages to equipment that they cause during a session. 

Clients must take ultimate responsibility for file maintenance and transferring.  

Studio reserves the right to cancel a session if client is disregarding the rules.